Six partners from five EU countries are combining their skills and expertise within the framework of the FLOURISH project aiming at facilitating organizational innovation at SMEs based on an innovative coaching methodology.

The project implementation has reached a very important milestone: an organizational innovation coach for SME – professional profile, listing all the needed competencies and skills, has been finalized and made available to the SMEs. Apart from this, several other outputs are currently being finalized: the curriculum, course and manual that will be used on the trainings by SMEs.

One of the most important benefits the project is offering is that the colleagues of small and medium sized enterprises will have the chance to participate in an innovation coach training free of charge this year. The training will be based on an international good practice of APGICO’s participative innovation model and Creative Problem-Solving protocol and serves as a significant support for SMEs in organizational development.

The partnership is currently working on the final steps of the curriculum, course and manual, which will be used for the trainings in all partner countries: Hungary, Bulgaria, Portugal, Lithuania and Poland. The documents are going to be finalized based on the suggestions of experts and SMEs.

Among others, these tasks were discussed at the second international FLOURISH project meeting – organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Csongrád County – on 8-9. July in Szeged, Hungary.

For more information, follow the progress of the project on the social media platform (, or contact our FLOURISH project team: Vassileva:
Phone: +359 2 971 89 32

Darina Petrunova:
Mobile: +359 878 24 31 49